With a slew of graphic artists who no doubt could use the work, it seems the USDA could have come up with a more appetizing Food Plate.
Oh, in case you haven't heard, that's the icon that is now replacing the Food Pyramid. The Pyramid itself had undergone several changes in the past few years. It's difficult to keep up with all the new food fads and recommendations. I feel a bit sorry for those who had to come up with a new, comprehensive design. Even more sorry for those who had to decide how to represent what foods should be in the graphic and still satisfy all the stakeholders.
Still, what does the Food Plate say and how does it say it? On the positive: First, it is balanced. Second, a preschooler would be attracted to the bright colors. But, come on folks, where's the real information?
Isn't this icon a bit dumbed down? Is it because we are trying not to offend any particular food eaters, farmers, or manufacturers? Or do we just not know what to recommend?
Take a look at it. Here's the link to the USDA Choose My Plate Web site. USDA's MyPlate - Home page
More about the Plate, and food recommendations, later. Off now, to review a recent food movie release. Will pick up the Stein/Toklas thread next week, and finally get to the Magna Carta tomorrow. Been preoccupied tidying post burglary, so the Blog has been languishing on the back seat. On the road now—I hope.
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